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The Best diet Plan - 5 Portion of fruits and vegetables everyday.

This time, I will review the best diet plan that may work for you who wants to diet with easy way. It’s get eating fruits and vegetables because fruits and vegetables contain more fiber is needed in the process of metabolism. We must consume it as much as 5 servings in a day: 2 servings for fruits and 3 servings for vegetables. With this method  you can do your best diet plan naturally and healthy ways.
Consumption of fruits and vegetables have 5 benefits, they are:
1.    Protected from various diseases, such as diabetes, cardiovascular, cancer, and digestive disorders.
Surveys in the US states that cardiovascular can be prevented by consume fruits and vegetables for more than 3 portions a day.
Cancer research estimates the risk of all kinds of cancers can be reduced about 20% by consume fruits and vegetables for more than 5 portions  a day.

2.    Get  overweight away by itself
Because of fruits and vegetables contain relatively low calories, it can reduce the overweight by itself. Moreover fruits and vegetables have no fat.even there is, it is good for health, By eating more fruits and vegetables, the body will decrease calories intake which mean the body will burn more calories when we get the out of more calories than calorie of food intake

3.    We can control the weight.
As a result of eating ftuits and vegetables that contain high fiber, we’re going to feel full longer so that we don’t need to eating high-calorie snacks and the weight can be controlled.

4.    The movement of bowel is smoothly everyday.
The metabolic process will work smoothly because the 5 portion of fruits and vegetables have high fiber. Moreover, the process of defecation will be easy, the dirt that came out won’t be hard and the body will be healthier.

5.    More energetic and fresh for the body.
The body will be more fresh and energetic  because fruits and vegetables got the amounts of minerals and  vitamins which can protect the body  from viral infections such as influenza or other bacterial attack. As example if we sick, people will bring us some vegetables. This is because vegetables  very useful for body’s recovery.
If we use this method for our best diet plan, even need to spend more time, this is an effective way to reduce the weight because it's contain many high fiber that useful for our body and health. therefore, let's consume more fruits and vegetables for our diet.

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